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A Dimension Born Out of Hard Times


A century ago, conflict struck the nation. Famine, depression and war transformed the world into a living nightmare, with each day becoming worse with time. While most of us worked to sustain a life, one man, unintentionally created a new dimension, one that would indirectly be the epicenter of wonder and happiness. 

With the birth of animation, came the birth of a new dimension, one only accessible to everything animated. To animated creatures, or “toons”, as we call them, this dimension was known as the ToonVerse. 

As we evolved, so did they, living their lives largely in secret and impervious to human interaction. That was until the early 1990s, when a woman discovered the ToonVerse’s existence and told other companies about it. It was then an event known as The Imprisonment began, as toons from across different forms of media were arrested by their creators and enslaved by the greed of the corporations. 

For years, life has been dreary for toons, as social interaction outside their worlds was forbidden. But after a decade-long struggle, one toon found a way to break his corporate chains. By going under different names and forms, the toons began to rebuild their lives, transforming the remaining rubble of the old ToonVerse into paradise. 

Today, as the heralds of this story, it is our duty to protect the identities of these characters, maintain the secret of the ToonVerse’s revival until further notice, and be the first to encourage a world where toons from all walks of life can coexist without the interference of corporations, governments and greed. 

Project Animatis' mission is clear. We must uphold the safety, rights and freedoms of every animated being as if they are citizens of this world. So long as we follow the grain of society, no toon will ever gain their rights. 




As of right now, there is one main canon for Project Animatis . More will be added if requested or required. 



Our mission statement serves as the heart and soul of our operations, guiding us on a path toward equality and creativity for both toons and creators alike. 



Project Animatis is always accepting work from writers from all walks of of life. However, there are certain guidelines and tips used to write content for the project and the ToonVerse.  

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